Thursday, August 4, 2011

Cannibal is Real ( Real Cannibal)

Cannibalism is thought to have spread in primitive societies around the world, including Central and West Africa, Melanesia (including Indonesia), Polynesian, Indian tribes in North and South America, Aborigines in Australia, and Maori in New Zealand.

Christoprus in 1492 Columbus discovered the Caribbean islands. And half-naked natives turned out to be cannibals! For Europeans at that time, cannibals is a very dangerous creature. This is the origin of the massacre and exploitation.

Ethnic origin of South America who live around Brazil, Paraguay, and Argentina, named Tupinamba, has a habit of eating a prisoner of war as an act of revenge for the family who died in battle. Such practice is known as Endokanibalisme. Custom is still carried out until the early 17th century. After the entry of Europeans, especially Spain, the interest is then disappears. Some migrate and assimilate with the rest of Brazilian society.

In the United States found traces of cannibalism committed by Anasazis, an ancient Indian tribe that disappeared 1,300 years ago. There was found dust and bone fragments, traces of flaking scalp, mutilation, burns, and roasting human flesh above the pot.

The Aztecs did cannibalism in religious rituals. Initially, the victims were prisoners of war, but then propagate all the members of the tribe itself. Allegedly, as a punishment for crime has been committed by members of the tribe.

Dayak tribe, in addition to collecting the skulls that have been turned down, it also takes heart of its war victims. This custom is called ngayau.

While the tribe in Papua New Guinea Kapau eat the liver and right biceps nemesis.

Other ethnicities in Papua, Fore, consumes the human brain has died. From this initial spread of the disease kuru. Kuru is a nerve degeneration disease that causes sufferers trembling, loss of muscle coordination, until finally unable to sit without assistance and difficulty swallowing. Diseases caused by these viruses can be transmitted only if the brains of people eaten by another human being.

Kuru is found in the early 1900s and peaked in the 60's. Between the years 1957-1968, 1,100 members of the Fore tribe died of kuru. The number of women infected with the disease is eight times more than men. Expected, the cause because the women who served for cooking food. However, along with the abandonment of the practices of cannibalism, kuru disease almost no longer found.

We may think of cannibalism practiced by the great mbah still primitive. In fact, modern humans did the same. In the tragedy of a plane crash in the Andes in 1972, 16 survivors were forced to eat meat 29 other passengers who have died. The passengers from Uruguay must survive for 72 days before reached by rescue teams.

Instinct for survival does not change from age to age. However, you need not try to do it if not forced. Not to be powerful, even-even get sick.

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