Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Will Betelgeuse Exploded in 2012?

At least there are currently three major news coverage with almost the same. Interesting news loh. In the third story, mentioned the Earth will soon have a "Solar Two".

One news mention Betelgeuse going supernova over and reach Earth before the year 2012 when the star exploded. In other news mentioned prediction by Brad Carter, a senior physics lecturer at the University of Southern Queensland, Australia, when Betelgeuse explodes as a supernova it would be very bright to the point that the night would menadi like daylight for a week or two.

So exciting right? Especially mention all-red giant star in the constellation Orion will "explode" and looks like "Sun" later this year. It means we will see a "bright star" like the Sun in 2012. That is, what it had to do with issues of Resurrection? Oh la la ...

After trying to know the source of "credible" (official papers were published in journals or other sources first if this is not the result of research) of the news, the news was known to originate from one of the media in Australia.

In news that preaching is not much different, ie, we will see another sun shining on the Earth even in just a few weeks. Also added also that when the explosion occurred, there will be a rain of particles that hit Earth nutrino although he is not dangerous anymore.

The question really? Come On Listen!

Betelgeuse, the star of this one very easily recognizable in the night sky. He was among the stars of the constellation Orion the hunter and he is also a bright star to-2 after Rigel in the constellation. You can recognize it easily even when viewed from a city full of light.

Betelgeuse name derived from Arabic yad al-jawza which means "hand jawza". Jawza itself is the name of the constellation Gemini. In the medieval character is read when the first one to Latin be Bedalgeuze. And in the renaissance, the name was later corrected to Betelgeuse.

Save this one is still young when compared with the calculated age of the Sun. But in his class, he has included an old star who was serving his parents as all-red giant star.

He was only a few million years but very large, the light is 100,000 times the sun's light. Size is also a giant star nearly 1,000 times the size of the Sun. Extreme measure for a star whose life only briefly.

Well, if Betelgeuse was placed in the center of the solar system, then he will be huge because he is enveloped in the atmosphere 1000 times the Sun so that it will reach Jupiter and swallowing Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars and asteroids in the asteroid belt.

Star mass is reached around 20 times the mass of the Sun. Stars who have a large mass will have a rapid evolution, as well as Betelgeuse.

In the age of only a few million years, Betelgeuse is currently facing his old age as an all-star red giant and will shortly be approaching the end of his life that is exploding as a supernova.

Betelgeuse is also known as variable stars, the star whose light varies. As an all-red giant star, Betelgeuse is located at a distance of 640 light years is known, there is a giant bubble-like structure on the surface of a pulsating star.

Star Betelgeuse is also known to have large amounts of matter made of various molecules and dust in material recycling as the next generation of stars or planets like Earth too. Another fact, this star began to shrink and loss of material on a regular basis which is equivalent to the mass of the Earth each year.

One day, he will end his life and explode as a supernova within a few million years. At the time that happens, observers on Earth will have the opportunity to enjoy light bright even in daylight.

Two of the Sun and the supernova reached Earth

Well, related news came that we would see two sun at the end of 2011 for several weeks and Betelguese will explode in the range now.

Please note Betelguese located 640 light years from Earth. Incredible distance away, which means the light from Betelgeuse takes 640 years to arrive on Earth and be seen of men. Thus, changes in the star now will not we can know in just seconds.

Betelgeuse will explode it's true. But whether in 2012? Wow amazing. There was no indication anything about it and even modeling and observation would not be able to predict the time like that.

To be sure Betelgeuse will not explode in two years this year. He still takes millions of years to end his old age and explode.

The news also mentioned that the supernova will reach the Earth when the star exploded. In the beginning before the translated article which is also called up to the Earth is nutrino particles. Hmm .. Again, the distance becomes a problem.

Betelgeuse is 640 light years away which means she is at a distance of 6,054,738,179,200,000 km or about 6 trillion miles. This distance is too far away to threaten humans.

Quoting Phil Plait of Bad Astronomy, "if there is a supernova that could threaten humans with particle rain or even fry man with light, then he should be at a distance of 25 light years. And Betelguese is 25 times farther than that distance.

This means more power to hurt humans will be reduced 600 times. At that distance, when he exploded millions of years. Betelgeuse will indeed look bright secerlang Full Moon. And it's obviously very bright in the night and dazzle the eye.

But definitely not this star would appear as bright as the Sun. He will not even reach the Sun 1/100.000 brightness when viewed from Earth. And certainly when that happens, humans will not be threatened ".

So, there will not be any supernova in 2012 which could confirm the theory of 2012!

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